Care sector vacancies soar, while applications slump

Poor morale and concerns over mandatory vaccinations mean that the care sector is struggling to keep roles filled.

Amazon: new legal challenge could cost firm £140 million

Law firm Leigh Day has launched a potentially £140 million compensation claim on behalf of Amazon drivers working as 'delivery service partners'.

UK faces labour shortage: what can employers do to manage?

The UK now has the lowest ratio of unemployed people to vacancies since records began in 1971.

Key steps for HR as dust settles post off-payroll

We learned from the Department for Transport’s (DfT) latest annual accounts that Network Rail is hiring 79% of contractors on an outside IR35 basis.

Black grads need backing, not just recruitment

Employers cannot encourage racial equality merely by hiring young black people and hoping for the best.

Life after furlough: are government job schemes enough?

With the furlough scheme having now come to an end, the government has announced additional support for employers in the form of an extension to the Plan for Jobs. Moving forward, it will be down to...

Webinar: The great fight for talent

A huge wave of change has hit the job market. Flooded with candidates and new opportunities, businesses can’t hire or fill talent gaps fast enough, as reported by Emma Greedy.

Party Conference Roundup 2021: what HR needs to know

This year’s Labour and Conservative party conferences have now come to an end. Back to in-person events for the first time in almost two years, the two parties set out their competing visions for a...

How HR can step up and support Afghan refugees

The Taliban’s reconquest of Afghanistan has created a humanitarian crisis with many thousands fleeing the country. Peter Crush finds out what HR can do to help resettlement.

Breaking down the hidden stigma of mental health career gaps

There is no doubt that much has been done to broadly reduce the stigma of poor mental health, but in the working world, there is often still a culture of silence and shame that can impact a person’s...


Majority of businesses struggling to recruit specialist skills

Almost two thirds (63%) of business leaders have said they are struggling to recruit as candidates lack the specialist skills and relevant experience they need.

The Body Shop to recruit on first-come first-serve basis

The Body Shop is launching a new policy for recruiting candidates offering roles on a first-come first-served basis, regardless of background, and without any interview or CV required.