How to address the escalating challenge of job scams

How people come to find jobs has fundamentally changed. It has become much more digitalised, increasing accessibility and creating more opportunities. But this has come at a cost. It’s made it easier...

Why we must ban online application forms

There are obvious societal evils: theft, racism, cruelty to animals, etc. These are plainly wicked and quite rightly against the law. Other less obvious evils just make life more miserable and...

Most HR teams are avoiding use of AI in recruitment

Nine out of 10 (92%) HR professionals said they do not use AI in recruitment and most don’t have plans to do so in the next 12 months, according to a new survey from the Recruitment and Employment...

Retailers predict autumn hiring trouble

A nationwide trend for declining job vacancies has been bucked by the retail and warehousing sectors, but experts predict staffing difficulties later this year.

Public-sector pay rises lag behind private sector

Expected pay rises in the public sector climbed to 3.3% between 21 March and 12 April 2023, but are still lower than the 5% rises typical among private-sector employers, according to the CIPD. 

Job scams accelerate in January

January reporting of job scams is already 66% ahead of December 2022’s total, sparking worries this rise could exacerbate recruitment struggles and stress-test hiring processes.


Micro-experiences in digital recruiting

Most organisations know that they are operating in the experience economy - their success no longer rests purely on maximising transactions, but is dependent on how those transactions are delivered.

Should we be using video CVs?

Video CVs have been celebrated as a more accessible, faster, cheaper and less-discriminatory alternative to the traditional written format – but do they measure up?

Your chance to shape the understanding of HR in 2022 and beyond

For the past 14 years, HireRight has conducted an annual survey of thousands of human resources (HR), risk, and talent acquisition professionals to learn more about the current HR landscape – in...

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Employers ditch skills requirements to find the right candidate

A third (33%) of UK organisations are willing to drop skills requirements before any others as companies fight for talent.

Recruitment in the metaverse: will it become a (virtual) reality?

Since Facebook’s widely publicised rebranding to ‘Meta’, the metaverse virtual world has been garnering attention as the next step in the technological revolution.

Should HR worry about online job reviews?

Cath Everett assesses how much influence review websites have on prospective job applicants and how employers can capitalise on their image on such sites.