
Restructuring | How to support managers in a restructure

When HR leaders are guiding organisations through a restructure, they must not neglect line manager support.

Wellbeing | We're heading for a summertime slump

Longer days and added home pressures can send employees spiralling into a seasonal summer slump. Providing the right benefit initiatives can go a long way.

Strategy | Psychometric data is being wasted

Psychometric data shouldn’t be consigned to HR files after recruitment, it’s a valuable source of insight that should be regularly revisited to build stronger teams, develop talent, and pinpoint...

Strategic HR | It's time to transform the HR business partner role

Now is the time to support HR business partners, and to strategically equip them for success.

Employee benefits | How to give your employees a free pay rise

Salary sacrifice could make a huge difference, if you can’t afford to offer a pay rise.

Culture | Why your workforce shouldn’t be a ‘family’

Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky recently said he regretted referring to his workforce as a ‘family’ during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

HR data | Take control of HR metrics 

As every HR professional will know, today’s tech-led software tools deliver a vast array of information.

Culture | Six top tips for navigating challenging conversations in the workplace

For professionals working in HR, handling difficult conversations is a vital skill.

Menstrual health | Wimbledon's tweaked dress code is a lesson for HR leaders

When considering workplace dress codes, let's not prioritise protocol above practicality.

Employee benefits | Don’t risk scoring an own goal over Euro 2024

As the England football team prepares for the finals of the 2024 European Championships this weekend, organisations may be considering following Tesco’s lead by closing early to allow employees to...

Employee benefits | Financial wellbeing support: Where is the boundary for employers?

The employer-employee relationship is one of the most important financial relationships. With the recent period of high inflation and ongoing economic uncertainty, many workers find themselves in...

Retention | How to manage a home working u-turn without senior talent jumping ship

How far are you willing to go to get your employees back to the office?