HR has changed almost unrecognisably in the 20 years since I started my career.
Deloitte might have more resources to dedicate to its early careers pipeline than some, but there are still lessons HR and talent teams in smaller businesses can take from the big four firm to apply...
Only 15% of employees have regular career growth conversations, according to new research seen exclusively by HR magazine.
Government plans to reform the UK immigration system, including increases to the cost of work visas, have been condemned due to concerns about the impact on the UK’s competition for global talent.
With just weeks to go until the Consumer Duty introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) comes into force for new and existing products and services, companies are being strongly advised to...
Over half (52%) of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are in favour of opening the UK’s doors to overseas workers to plug vacancies.
Almost one third (30%) of the UK worker's average day is lost to performative work that doesn’t contribute to company goals but is simply done to appear productive, according to a study from instant...
With so much at stake in terms of employee retention, customer experience and brand, organisations are turning to in-house training to enable their workforces to be more productive and make them feel...
Only 5% of those with learning and development (L&D) responsibilities currently use AI tools such as ChatGPT to support learning, yet over half (55%) of L&D leaders said they are breaking new ground...
The CIPD 2023 Festival of Work returned to Olympia London on 8 June. Here are some of the highlights and what you may have missed from day two of the event.
Lisa Drew, head of people, UK at Sigma Connected, shares her vision for the future of the profession.
Post-Brexit restrictions on hiring migrant workers have not led to employers investing more in the recruitment and training of UK workers for low-skilled jobs.