HR magazine tries… A personal resilience retreat

Jenny Roper tests getting away from it all for a weekend learning about the science of mindfulness

Executive education: Are MBAs fit for purpose?

The business world has changed massively in the past two decades. But have MBAs kept pace?

Businesses missing out on MBA talent

Employers, business schools and students all face challenges in the recruitment process

Teams lack complementary skills

MBA students and graduates bring different skills to teams but don't feel employers take this into account

Face-to-face and online learning: Balancing executive education

In a world of customised executive education can, or should, the 70:20:10 rule survive?

Businesses and business schools have joint responsibility for development

Leadership now, not just for the future, requires a wholesale shift in our mental models

Case study: Digital innovation at Ferrari

Ferrari's consortium approach to solving its digital challenges has benefitted multiple companies

The challenges of global L&D

Organisations are demanding more and more from their learning functions, but is L&D up to the job?

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The Open University Business School


Do you really want a workforce of critical thinkers?

Is having a workforce full of critical thinkers an impossible dream – or a nightmare to be avoided?

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The Open University Business School


Business and education must collaborate better on culture

CIPD chief executive Peter Cheese said business schools must equip talent with soft skills

HR magazine partners with Roffey Park in research competition

HR magazine and Roffey Park's 2016's research competition is now open


Organisational development: Being bigger, bolder, braver

Roffey Park’s unique MSc in People and Organisational Development is an innovative, practical and relevant programme that will help transform your practice in developing people and organisations.