Admin roles predicted to decline by 2035

Workers in administrative and construction sectors are at the greatest risk of leaving the labour market, or experiencing downward wage pressures, a report by the National Foundation for Educational...

What can leaders learn from the stage?

Theatre has always held a special place in what I do. It has taught me how to work with confidence, organisation and strength. What can we learn from theatre, to shine in the workplace?

Managers' skills don't meet employee expectations

Two fifths (40%) of UK employees do not believe their manager has had sufficient training, or the right skills, to perform their role, research published on 5 September by wellbeing platform Unmind...

Award-winning HR: Best Early Careers Strategy

As Friday's deadline (23 August) for entering this year's HR Excellence awards nears, we share how last year's winner, the facility management business Mitie, won the trophy for Best Early Careers...


Results day: How HR can support young people entering work

As students receive their A-level results this morning (15 August), we asked HR how they can support younger workers entering the workplace.

Up the corporate ladder: strategies for boosting internal mobility

Internal mobility is the ideal for companies and employees alike: it improves retention, career satisfaction and overall productivity, which begs the question, why can it seem so difficult to...

Skills policy: do employers really know what’s best?

Are employers best placed to lead on the UK’s training and skills policies? After all, they invest half the level of our European competitors in employee training.

How to build a skills-first HR approach

Building a skills-first organisational approach requires HR leaders to lay firm foundations, as research conducted by John McMackin and David Collings revealed. In this article, the two set out the...

Prisoner swap: How HR can best use negotiation skills

The US government has successfully negotiated a prisoner exchange with Russia, leading to the safe return of three political prisoners.

Employers will suffer without urgent immigration reform

We need Labour to make urgent and necessary changes to immigration to address the growing labour shortage and bolster the UK economy.

How Labour can solve the skills crisis

Following the Labour Party's election win, we asked HR how the new government can solve the UK's skills crisis.

Labour's manifesto: What HR needs to know

The Labour Party has released its manifesto, ahead of next month’s general election, focusing on extending workers’ rights, immigration and getting people into work.