The use of game-like structures in HR functions has proved popular for the past few years, but has it now had its day? Edmund Tirbutt reports
Superdrug has called on the government for greater flexibility in its apprenticeship levy rules to ensure funds are not wasted.
Ahead of A-level results day tomorrow (17 August), LinkedIn data shows a 90% increase in the share of UK job postings not requiring a degree between 2022 and 2021.
Economic inactivity due to long-term illness has reached a record high, according to data released today (15 August) from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
As skills shortages persist, 40% of UK employers have made a counter-offer to retain staff in the last 12 months according the CIPD's Labour Market Outlook.
AI in recruitment has been lauded both as a solution to human prejudice, and an unreliable tool based on biased data. So how can HR use it ethically? Millicent Machell reports
The upturn in candidate availability gathered pace in July 2023, while permanent placements fell at the fastest rate since June 2020, according to a report from the Recruitment and Employment...
Attracting and retaining the right mix of university and college graduates is fundamental to driving a diverse pipeline of talent for any organisation. But this year, it’s more complicated.
On 17 July 2023, the Home Office announced that it is relaxing visa requirements for construction workers. Various roles within the construction sector, including plasterers, carpenters, joiners,...
James Reed, chairman of recruitment site Reed, has said the job market is no longer candidate driven, following a decline in job postings and increase in applications.
Jobseekers will no longer be asked to provide a CV when applying for certain roles at brewer Molson Coors, the producer of Carling, Fosters and Coors Light, to encourage inclusion and diversity.
Young people who grew up and studied during the pandemic may require more support with confidence, communication and concentration according to experts.