Janet Campbell - Laying fair foundations for the Houses of Parliament Restoration & Renewal

Fixing up the Houses of Parliament is a huge project but one the HR director in charge takes in her stride.

Chat GPT may be banned in some UK organisations

Two thirds (66%) of organisations in the UK are implementing or considering bans on generative AI applications within the workplace, according to a survey of IT decision makers by software company...

Four lessons on ethical AI use in recruitment

AI in recruitment has been lauded both as a solution to human prejudice, and an unreliable tool based on biased data. So how can HR use it ethically? Millicent Machell reports

Workplace AI policies: Does your company need them?

The majority (68%) of business leaders think employees should not use AI without a managers' permission, according to technology authority Tech.co.

Why we need a new model for HR: part 4, people analytics and science

Evolving the HR operating model is a strong calling for the people profession and not, as some might have you believe, more HR for HR’s sake.

Clunky HR tech costing businesses 26 hours per employee

Poorly designed HR tools are damaging productivity and frustrating employees, according to new research.

Government slammed by jobseekers for lack of support

Over half (53%) of job seekers do not believe the government offers any support in helping them find a new job, according to research from employment technology company, CareerWallet.

Got plans to use ChatGPT for HR? Better call Saul

HR teams are continually tasked with coming up with creative solutions to streamline operations and increase efficiency and productivity and the explosion of AI offers tantalising possibilities. Could...

L&D professionals innovate without use of AI

Only 5% of those with learning and development (L&D) responsibilities currently use AI tools such as ChatGPT to support learning, yet over half (55%) of L&D leaders said they are breaking new ground...


AI use in employee terminations raises HR concerns

One in 10 HR practitioners working in tech in the US are using ChatGPT to write termination letters, according to new data from B2B Reviews.


CIPD Festival of Work 2023: what you missed on day two

The CIPD 2023 Festival of Work returned to Olympia London on 8 June. Here are some of the highlights and what you may have missed from day two of the event.

Technology: the great enabler or the burdensome beast?

An engaged workforce is the driving force behind every successful business. And the HR team is at the forefront of ensuring good employee engagement, from supporting an effective performance cycle,...