Fulfilling older workers’ teaching ambitions could boost retention

More over-50s are leaving the workforce than at any time since records began in 1992, according to the latest ONS statistics. New research, however, suggests that helping older employees find purpose...

Catch up: What will the role of an HR professional look like in 2030?

In the latest HR Lunchtime Debate in partnership with Sage, Perry Timms, Kathryn Herrington, Mark Duggan and Jo Gallacher discussed the future of the HR profession.

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What will be the impact of the ‘Future Skills Unit’? 

Around the launch of the ‘Levelling Up’ whitepaper, the UK government announced the intention to establish a new Future Skills Unit. Although full details currently remain unclear, like many policies...

Best of HR books: March 2022

What's HR been reading this month?

Will it take another 20 years for career development to improve?

With many employees considering their employment options after the disruption and anxiety of the past couple of years, employers will lose good staff if they don’t listen to what their employees are...

CIPD publishes manifesto to help HR in Northern Ireland post-Covid

The CIPD Northern Ireland has published its first manifesto outlining what the region's HR professionals want from a post-Covid recovery, tackling the impact of the pandemic, Brexit and the NI...

UK managers quitting over stress and lack of training rather than pay

Nearly three quarters (72%) of UK managers who have recently quit their job said adequate training and support could have persuaded them to stay.

The UK's apprenticeship system must serve our diverse labour market

There is no question that apprenticeships are a great thing. They help huge numbers of people every year, offering hands-on skills training opportunities while also providing employment. It is right...

Small businesses miss out on millions in Apprenticeship Levy funding

Apprenticeships offer an opportunity to plug skills gaps, but many small businesses are still missing out.

Winter Olympics 2022: what HR can learn from practice makes perfect

Upskilling and reskilling continues to take the top spot on organisations' list of goals and needs for 2022 and the opening of the Winter Olympics today is a good opportunity to reflect on the role...

UK productivity among the lowest of the G7, finds ONS

Output per hour worked by UK employees is among the lowest of all the G7 countries, according to new data published by the ONS.

HR can prepare future leaders for climate crunch point

A new report released today by the think tank Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) warned that the next generation of leaders – today’s 30-something millennials – may meet a climate ‘crunch...