There is much talk about the mental and physical costs of living and working in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world but change in the workplace can also be extremely good for our...
The UK has a hidden range of jobs employers cannot recruit for due to a lack of skills, including wigmaker, canine beautician and knitter.
Gillian Holland, a former carer at Zion Care was found to be wrongfully dismissed in 2020 after raising concerns about neglect.
UBS’s acquisition of Credit Suisse has made headlines in the past few weeks.
Most companies don’t just exist for the sake of it. Large or small, they have a strong mission, and for many companies that mission involves a wider impact on society, not just profit.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has suggested the office should be the “default” for workers as he’s concerned about the creativity lost in permanent remote work.
The damage to an organisation’s reputation when it is embroiled in a scandal can be catastrophic, as recent headlines have proved. One way to avoid this is to have a trusted whistleblowing process in...
Most (70%) employees would delegate as much work as possible to AI according Microsoft’s global 2023 Work Trend Index Annual Report.
The HR Most Influential Podcast has gone live with an interview with Neil Morrison, director of HR at Severn Trent and two-time HR Most Influential Practitioner.
Environment, social and governance (ESG) was first coined in 2004 but largely hovered under the radar for the following decade.
Karen Bates, chief people officer of Brewdog, told HR magazine its new mental health and neurodiversity policies have created a safe space for staff.
Being told a company is being taken private can be a stressful and unsettling experience for impacted employees, who will have a lot of questions: ‘Will I be made redundant? What if I don’t like the...