Addiction recovery in UK workplaces: How to shift the narrative

Are UK employers ready to adopt a US-style approach to supporting people in addiction and recovery?

What HR should ask before working with an EAP

Finding the right Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is crucial for businesses seeking to support the mental health and wellbeing of their workforce.  

Don't be seduced by the heroic leader fallacy

Heroic leadership still holds us in its – mostly hairy and ever-so-masculine – vice-like grip, and attempts to encourage more reflective and reflexive practices frequently run up against the need to...

"EAPs are essential. Abandoning them puts workers' wellbeing at risk"

The inability of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to meet massive increases in demand for mental health support – counselling in particular – without going fully digital or EAP-by-app, is a real...

HR’s role in aligning a people and sustainability strategy

HR leaders have a crucial role in helping businesses develop and implement ambitious ESG goals.

How to create a zero-waste office

Creating a zero-waste office is an ambitious yet increasingly attainable goal for businesses committed to sustainability.

ESG removed from UK Corporate Governance Code

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has removed all references to ESG in a new version of the UK Corporate Governance Code.

The Post Office scandal proves we need to listen to grievances now more than ever

The recent Post Office scandal drama has been difficult viewing for audiences across the UK. Watching bad things happen to good people makes us all feel angry and uncomfortable, and the reality is...

COP28: What are the takeaways for HR Leaders?

COP (Conference of the Parties) is the main decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and this year was held in Dubai.

Lessons from John Lewis: a quality product needs quality people

The John Lewis Partnership hit the headlines this week with the news that Dame Sharon White, the chair, would not be seeking a second term. This makes her term as chair the shortest in John Lewis’s...

HR Most Influential’s top priorities: sustainability, ESG and achieving net zero

This year’s HR Most Influential (HRMI) survey found that there was a strong view that responsibility for environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) sits with everyone in the business – but...

HR can help create ethical and equitable gig work

It’s very easy to pick holes in the gig economy. Many gig workers experience unstable work, long hours, below-average pay and have little to no legal protection.