New safeguarding guidance launched by standards body

The British Standards Institution (BSI) has released a new standard to help employers safeguard employees.

How can HR support whistleblowers?

An employment tribunal began last week (Thursday 2 May) that is set to decide the extent of civil servants’ rights to make public interest disclosures to the press. As former civil servant Josie...

Water workers suffer increased abuse due to sewage dumping, says union

Half (52%) of water workers said abuse they receive has increased due to sewage dumping, according to a survey by union GMB.

Whistleblowing doesn’t have to be a bad experience

Getting whistleblowing right is not easy for an organisation. But even more importantly, stepping forward as a whistleblower is no easy feat.

Whistleblowing reports rose by a quarter last year

Calls to the advice line for whistleblowing charity Protect increased by 23% in 2023.

Missy Empire employees told no HR function in culture scandal

Former staff of fast fashion retailer Missy Empire claimed they were told the company did not have an HR function, after they complained of a toxic work culture.

The Post Office scandal proves we need to listen to grievances now more than ever

The recent Post Office scandal drama has been difficult viewing for audiences across the UK. Watching bad things happen to good people makes us all feel angry and uncomfortable, and the reality is...

Doctor loses tribunal after raising safety concerns

A consultant obstetrician who was dismissed after raising safety concerns has lost his claim of retaliatory victimisation.

The McDonald's case shows that HR must help leaders tackle the causes of bullying

The shocking allegations of bullying, racism, abuse, and sexual harassment emerging from the BBC investigation into McDonald’s highlight why creating a culture of openness and transparency is...

Care whistleblower wins dismissal case following “witch hunt”

Gillian Holland, a former carer at Zion Care was found to be wrongfully dismissed in 2020 after raising concerns about neglect.

Confidence in whistleblowing procedures: share your views

The damage to an organisation’s reputation when it is embroiled in a scandal can be catastrophic, as recent headlines have proved. One way to avoid this is to have a trusted whistleblowing process in...

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CBI sexual misconduct scandal comes as no surprise to HR professionals

Employment professionals have said widespread sexual misconduct claims against the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) are unsurprising despite the increased number of diversity policies in UK...