The John Lewis Partnership hit the headlines this week with the news that Dame Sharon White, the chair, would not be seeking a second term. This makes her term as chair the shortest in John Lewis’s...
As we know, people leave managers, not companies, so, you would expect organisations in 2020 to have perfected the art of management
Whatever their political stance, organisations can potentially learn from Boris Johnson's behaviour since becoming prime minister
This leadership style can boost employee productivity, motivation and mental wellbeing, and some of the best examples are in fact found at British organisations
In a day full of drama, the 1922 Committee of the Conservative party voted by 200 to 117 against a no-confidence vote in Theresa May
Aside from the more widely debated ethical issues, Cambridge Analytica also highlights questions of personality testing for customer-centricity
New research outlines the strategic benefits of employing men or women in decision-making roles.
Remember the mantra “right first time”? Philip Crosby was the man behind the philosophy of “zero defects”, a phrase popularised in his 1979 book Quality is Free.
Many of you will have seen the photo of the new French Cabinet. It includes the new environment minister Ségolène Royal, who happens to be President Hollande’s ex-partner and mother of his four...
If Nigel Farage had his way, China’s one-child policy would look positively benign. In a speech he gave in London earlier this week, he said that only women who reject motherhood completely have any...