How to manage a home working u-turn without senior talent jumping ship

How far are you willing to go to get your employees back to the office?

Could Summer Fridays unlock productivity?

When Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, he was not at his desk tinkering with his calculator. He was sitting on a train, watching light bounce.

Beyond exit interviews: Three steps to productive offboarding

Employee experience is arguably one of the most important aspects of any business, and can sometimes feel like one of the hardest to crack. HR teams are largely responsible for ensuring employee...

How to build sustainably high-performing teams

How can HR leaders focus on high performance while prioritising health and wellbeing? Maybe it’s time to take inspiration from elite sportspeople.

“HR needs to step up a gear”

There is growing evidence that HR professionals are being blown off course through heavy concentration on a wide range of issues that do not add real value to organisations and stakeholders.

The solution to the UK's productivity problem is in HR's hands, Part 2

Raising productivity could dig the UK out of stagnation and sustainably raise wages. In the second part of our January/February 2024 cover story, Dominic Bernard finds out why a word employees...

The solution to the UK's productivity problem is in HR's hands, Part 1

Raising productivity could dig the UK out of stagnation and sustainably raise wages. Dominic Bernard finds out why a word employees associate more with job cuts than pay rises can be HR’s next proving...

More than #girlboss or shopping hacks: it's time to get productive

Productivity is in every area of our lives. From #girlboss life hacks on Instagram and TikTok to asking our smart home devices to add milk to the shopping list, the end-goal remains the same. How can...

What does HR want from the next election?

A general election is expected to be called in the second half of 2024.

HR viewed as the least productive department by employees

UK employees perceive HR teams as being less productive, compared with other colleagues and departments in their organisations, according to research by HR software provider Ciphr.

When ‘no more biscuits’ signals the organisation’s end 

The executive email simply read "no more biscuits". It went on to explain in further detail that biscuits would no longer be supplied to staff as part of their morning coffee and afternoon tea...

Half of UK employees work on days off

Over half (53%) of UK employees worked while on annual leave in the last year, according to a study from Forbes Advisor.