HR magazine


Privacy | Hot topic: When is drug testing fair?

Athletes, police officers and members of the armed forces have historically been drug tested, but employers in other sectors are beginning to follow the practice. When is it fair to ask employees to...

Risk | Extreme weather: should HR have an adverse weather policy?

Autumn 2023 marked one of the most turbulent seasons for weather in UK history.

Inclusion | D&I Clinic: Hearing loss

D&I guest expert Teri Devine discusses how HR can improve the lives of employees with hearing loss.

HR careers | Lessons from the C-suite: Graham Bell, B&Q

Graham Bell, CEO of DIY chain B&Q, shares his journey to the top and why more HRDs could make it to the top spot.

HR Careers | Future Leader: Rukhma Hamid, Starling Bank

Rukhma Hamid, people operations specialist at Starling Bank, shares her vision for the future of the profession.

Disability | A different slant: Reasonable adjustments alone won't cut it

Business Disability Forum’s research showed the stark reality of the battle for reasonable adjustments. Angela Matthews, the charity's policy and research lead, discusses the results and how HR can...

Case study | How flexible working transformed a care provider's retention strategy

While care homes struggle with an ongoing labour shortage, HR magazine reporter Millicent Machell found out how one care provider used flexible working to turn the tables on recruitment and retention.

HR Careers | How I got Here: Nebel Crowhurst, Reward Gateway

Head of HR at Reward Gateway, Nebel Crowhurst, shares her career journey and top leadership tips.

HR tech | What's new in learning and development technology for 2023

The need for engaging, personalised and remote learning is driving rapid developments in the world of learning and development (L&D). The HR editorial team rounds up the latest in AI from some of the...

Case study | Improvise, adapt, overcome: HR in the Ukrainian war

After the brutal invasion of Ukraine, HR magazine reporter Millicent Machell finds out how one of the country’s largest business groups used HR as a survival superpower

D&I | Use microaffirmations every day to build inclusion

Noam Chomsky once said: “A language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It’s all embodied in a language.”

Tech | Cover story: AI risks and hazards (Part 2)


In part two of our September/October issue's cover story, Jo Gallacher explores the risks inherent in the powerful new technology of AI.