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Letter from the editor: Take the fear out of failure

"Draw strength from what you feel and know. This is your springboard for delivering change," says HR magazine's editor

“How do you feel about the F words?” asked consultant David Liddle, addressing an audience during the opening session of the Inclusive Workplace Conference in November.

He was referencing a word cloud that contained words like feelings, fear, failure and flourishing.

“HR needs to take the fear out of failure,” Liddle – one of HR magazine’s highest ranking HR Most Influential listees – urged his listeners, encouraging attendees to be bold, to try new things and, as employers, to return employees to their loved ones in a better state than when they left them.

It was an inspiring call to action.

As ever, the proof will be in the doing: the steps that HR leaders take to try, to test things out, and to make change real, within their organisations. How does HR feel about the task of affecting change, right now? As the year draws to a close, is enthusiasm and energy fading?

Read more: How to drive successful change

Allow me, through Liddle’s words, to try and offer some fuel for the fight. Liddle reminded delegates to keep a close eye on three F words: feelings, fear (of failure) and flourishing. Now’s the time, I suggest, to use the first two to power up the third. 

Feelings: HR leaders are a self-aware bunch, right? You’ve pretty much got this one covered. People professionals are often closely attuned to feelings. Draw strength from what you feel and know. This is your springboard for delivering change.

Likewise, use any fears you can identify at work as beacons to the areas that need attention in your business. Addressing those fears can lead towards the flourishing you want to see.

On the topic of flourishing, congratulations again to our HR Excellence Award winners, which you can read more about here. I hope their inspiring stories will bolster your efforts to positively impact organisations, in the lead-up to Christmas and beyond. 

Have a wonderful festive season.


This article was published in the November/December 2024 edition of HR magazine.

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