Hr careers

HR must reclaim space for development

The HR function is not focused on its own development due to years of financial and time pressure. How can we change this?

How can we identify our knowledge gaps?

It’s easy to dwell on our failings. It’s much harder, though essential, to identify and rectify gaps in our own knowledge or skills.

Career journey: Becky Wallace, head of people at LearnUpon 

Becky Wallace, current head of people at learning management system, LearnUpon, chronicles her career journey so far.

"We must address bias against older workers"

There is no substitute for experience, they say. But older workers are being overlooked for roles – in HR and elsewhere.

Letter from the editor: What's HR's goal?

What’s the end goal for HR? What is the profession, at its core, trying to achieve?

Lessons from the C-suite: Nick Turner, NFU Mutual

Nick Turner, CEO of insurance firm NFU Mutual, shares his opinion on how HR can make it to the top.

The new path to high-level HR, Part 2

How can new HR practitioners get ahead? In this second part of our cover story for the March/April 2024 issue, Dan Cave examines how HR career paths are changing, amid increased expectations, the use...

Career change: an editor's perspective

Career change can be challenging, whether taking on additional responsibilities within a sector you know well, or starting entirely afresh in a new field.

The future of payroll

How is increasing automation set to change how our people get paid in the future? Cath Everett investigates.

Interview: Mike Williams, CHRO for KellyDeli

It takes a passionate person to turn a low-impact people department into a well-respected and strategically successful operation. Luckily for the Asian-inspired restaurant business KellyDeli, global...

Lessons from the C-suite: Sandi Wassmer, ENEI

Sandi Wassmer, CEO at the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI) shares lessons she's learned on her way to the top.

How I got here: Vicky Gallagher Brown, Deloitte

Vicky Gallagher Brown, HR partner at consulting giant Deloitte, shares her career journey and top leadership tips.