CIPD reveals positive outlook for post-COVID hiring

Employers are optimistic about hiring again after the substantial negative impact the pandemic has had on the job market, according to the CIPD.

Queens’s speech: young women let down by lack of support

The introduction of the Lifetime Skills Guarantee, announced in the Queen's Speech yesterday (11 May), has been broadly welcomed although there are concerns it will not do enough to protect young...

‘Failed’ apprenticeship levy lost employers £2 billion

Employers have lost £2 billion over the last two years due to the failing apprenticeship levy, according to the CIPD.

Furloughed workers apply for jobs they are overqualified for

The majority (79%) of UK employees on furlough say they are considering applying to jobs below their skill level.

How technology can help you manage the COVID crisis

Managing the different needs of employees a hard task at the best of times. So what about during a pandemic? Technology has the answer. 

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Responding creatively in times of crisis

When the first lockdown was imposed, the Fennies people team knew it had to step up and implement a programme to ensure staff were on top of best practice and properly supported.


Kickstart scheme six months on

We are now six months into the government’s Kickstart Scheme, so what has been the impact so far? And what is its future promise?

Employees considering career change after furlough

Over half (51%) of furloughed UK employees are considering a career change, according to new research by IT management company NTT DATA UK.

Organisations leveraging L&D for survival

HR must prioritise learning and development (L&D) to create genuine change in the workplace, argues a new report.  

Why employee feedback does not have to be cumbersome: LondonEnergy case study

This story is about something very concrete. It is about how HR teams can be innovative, even in the utility sector, and it will give you a concrete example of what can be achieved when we understand...

Youth unemployment sees steepest rise in a decade

The UK has experienced the largest quarterly increase of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) since 2011, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS).

How a pandemic mobilised the pursuit of passion

I've always loved watching the way passion motivates people to pursue more meaning in their work and life - even when times get tough.