Employers slow to respond to home working requests

Research has highlighted the disconnect between employers’ and employees’ views on home working, as only 14% of UK office workers have been mandated to work from home full time during the Coronavirus...

Five reasons to prioritise family-friendly policies

Issues ranging from men’s mental health to poor productivity are making family-friendly policies a priority

How to combat loneliness in remote workers

Loneliness is a growing problem and can be particularly acute among remote staff who are often working alone

What makes a high-potential remote worker?

Remote workers still need traditional HR processes such as performance management to be at their most effective and engaged

Flexible working should be day one right says CIPD

The CIPD has launched a campaign for employers to make flexible working requests a day-one right as new research has found nearly half (46%) of UK employees do not have access to it in their current...

Back to basics... Virtual meetings

Our back to basics series brings you top tips from industry experts on the bread and butter areas of HR

Job sharing at the executive level

With flexible working front of mind for HR, job sharing at leadership level is on the rise

Firms failing to train staff on remote working cyber security

?A third (32%) of UK businesses have suffered a data breach due to remote working in the past 12 months, according to research from CybSafe

Why co-working spaces are on the rise

The kinds of places people want to spend time in, and how HR can integrate workers’ preferences for these environments

Legal-ease: Home working considerations

The responsibilities of both employer and employee when considering home working arrangements

Five reasons working remotely benefits businesses

Better work/life balance, future-proofing the organisation, and saving money are just some of the positives