Theresa May considers workers' rights demands to get backing for Brexit deal
After the Conservatives lost two Brexit votes in two days, then-prime minister Theresa May announced she was considering giving extra protections to workers in order to win support for her Brexit withdrawal agreement. The workers’ rights, health and safety, and environmental protections proposals were put forward by Labour Leave supporter and then-MP for Bassetlaw John Mann.
But union leaders, including general secretary of the GMB Tim Roache, dismissed the government’s announcement that it could accept the Mann amendment. The TUC said in a statement that these amendments would have no impact if there was a poor deal on Brexit.
Government announces ‘long-term plan’ for the NHS
Theresa May launched a 10-year plan for the NHS, committing to allocating a third of an additional £20 billion in funding to GPs, community care and mental health services.
May said a long-term plan was needed to ensure the money is wisely spent and cited it a "historic" moment for the NHS.
However, several experts told HR magazine that the plans failed to adequately tackle workforce pressures affecting staff on the frontline.
“With a shortage of 100,000 NHS staff and many more planning to leave, Theresa May’s announcement does not address the most significant challenge the NHS now faces,” said Michael West, senior fellow at The King's Fund.
The best bits of HR magazine in January...
What should the HR leader of tomorrow look like? HR magazine convened current and former HRDs to determine the skills future HR leaders will need, where they excel, and where there's room for improvement.
Commercialising HR skills at the Dorchester Collection
The Dorchester Collection Academy, launched in May 2018, is a training academy open to external clients looking to boost their customer service skills.
How to deal with difficult leaders
After a swathe of stories about misbehaving leaders hit headlines in 2018, HR, as the moral compass of the organisation, must tackle problematic leaders.
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