EU court says employers must record working hours
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that all employers must set a system to record working hours.
In the case of Spanish trade union Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) vs Deutsche Bank, the CJEU said that employers must accurately record all working hours to ensure they are complying with the law.
In the UK employers are required to keep 'adequate' records to show that workers are not putting in more than 48 hours a week and that night work rules are complied with. However, Brexit could also lead to further rule changes around working time.
Most LGBT employees are harassed at work
A report from the TUC found that seven in ten (68%) LGBT workers have been sexually harassed at work. The research, which the union said was the first major study in to LGBT sexual harassment at work in the UK, found that more than two in five (42%) LGBT people had received unwelcome comments or questions about their sex life from colleagues. More than a quarter (27%) said they had received unwelcome verbal sexual advances.
TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said the research reveals a "hidden epidemic" in UK workplaces. She said: "In 2019 LGBT people should be safe and supported at work. But instead they’re experiencing shockingly high levels of sexual harassment and assault.”
The best bits of HR magazine in May...
Racial inequality is under-discussed in workplaces. Nervousness, denial and lack of vocal role models are contributing to a serious diversity problem organisations need to start talking about.
Why are there so many incompetent men?
If we focus on talent we will end up with better leaders and more female leaders, because the truth is that women are just more competent leaders than men, argues Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic.
Union membership is low among people, but the gig economy could present an opportunity for unions to boost numbers.
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