Allegations of sexual misconduct in the workplace: innocent until proven 'guilty'?

This week Tony Danker stepped down from his role as director general of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) while an independent investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct takes...

 Collaboration in action: Success stories of cooperative business

Where are the best examples of collaboration at work found?

The best way to claw back UK business’s lost billions

We’re often told that one of the main things holding back UK business is the productivity gap – that we produce less per capita than our international competitors.

How HR can use data to persuade the c-suite to flex

The world of work has changed beyond recognition over the past few years, with flexibility pushed front and centre of the conversation. While times have changed, the disconnect between leadership and...

Toxic resilience and how to avoid it

Building resilience among senior executives is a global imperative. Countless think pieces talk about how it is a key characteristic and predictor of success for high performing leaders. 

Outstanding balance: why HR must learn to be sure-footed on the change curve (part one)

Imposing big changes on workers will naturally be worrying for them, but with the right preparation, employees can be reassured and concerns overcome.

UK employers slack on whistleblowing training

Many UK firms are exposing themselves to legal risk by failing to give formal training to employees handling whistleblowing concerns.

How reducing meetings increases employee autonomy

Meetings are hindering, not helping, your employees.

Why microclimates have the power to change workplace culture

We know the power of a great workplace culture. Higher engagement and belonging, leading to greater productivity, problem solving, collaboration and results. 

Four myths on recruiting overseas workers

Many organisations are still struggling to fill vacancies across the UK, with nursing and care, hospitality and IT just some of the sectors with wide gaps in their recruitment.

The SMCR – is it fit for purpose?

With the impact of Brexit still being felt around the country and the recent eye-watering turnover in the Cabinet resulting in uncertainty, frustration and trepidation in the financial markets, it...

Using the COM-B approach to change management

In my experience, HR professionals use a variety of models to support them when undergoing a change management project, from Kotter’s eight-step model, ADKAR to McKinsey 7S model and many others.