Retirement planning one of five goals in financial wellbeing strategy

A UK-wide strategy to transform people's financial wellbeing in a decade has been launched today by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)

Smoothie does it: HR at Innocent Drinks

Innocent Drinks’ group people and culture director, Sarah-Jane Norman tells HR magazine how the company has stayed true to its roots while expanding

EHRC urges employers to crack down on harassment post #MeToo

Tougher action is required if harassment is to be stamped out of the workplace, according to guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

Tackling diversity, in broadcasting and beyond

Channel 4’s CEO highlighted the challenges broadcasters and other organisations face in achieving diversity

Are you tackling modern slavery in your midst?

Almost five years after the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act, what are HR departments doing to make sure their organisations are not at fault?

Hot topic: Transition to a green economy, part two

Polling for the general election suggested that the environment was a greater concern for voters than ever

Hot topic: Transition to a green economy

Polling for December's general election suggested that the environment was a greater concern for voters than ever

How to minimise legal risk at the staff Christmas party

The work Christmas party can bring everyone together and reward employees for their hard work, but for employers there’s bigger risks than just getting a hangover

HRD's pocket guide to... carbon pricing

The HRD’s pocket guide series offers an explanation of areas outside day-to-day HR that business-savvy HRDs need to have a handle on

Only half think businesses behave ethically

Research on business ethics reveals that the British public's view of organisations has dipped from last year

Digital ecosystems should serve not overpower humans

Digital systems are designed and managed by people with the intention of serving people. The human ecosystem should be at the heart of the digital one

Christmas parties should be adapted to suit the changing workforce

Employees should be given more control in deciding how to celebrate Christmas at work, as not everyone favours the traditional office party, said Thomas Calvard, senior lecturer in human resource...