Five ways to boost your benefits strategy

It’s never been tougher to find new talent, which makes retaining your existing talent even more crucial.

Equal pay audits missing from half of UK businesses

Half (51%) of UK organisations have never completed an equal pay audit, according to research from reward consultancy, 3R Strategy.

Return to the office: what employers are doing to incentivise in-office work

Google, Meta, Salesforce, Amazon and Disney have all asked employees to return to the office in recent weeks, backtracking on formerly more flexible hybrid work policies.

Pensions education at work: swotting-up on savings

Pensions have been in the news a lot but do employees understand them? If not, how can employers step in? Dan Cave reports.

Fathers can’t afford paternity leave, finds TUC

Paternity leave is not taken at all by 21% of fathers, and financial worries are the biggest reason for this (27%).

Five new ways to get board buy-in for financial wellbeing initiatives

It’s a well-worn cliché that boardrooms only care about data. The cliché falls apart when you speak to HR directors that have actually got buy-in for wellbeing initiatives. A blended, tailored...

Insecure work left millions vulnerable to Covid, says TUC

People in insecure work were twice as likely to die from Covid during the pandemic, according to new research from the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

Employees not taking annual leave should raise alarm bells for HR

When it comes to annual leave, there are two types of people: those who plan their time off meticulously and make the most of their paid time off, and those who don’t.

Menopause and menstruation at work guidance launched

A new standard for businesses on menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace has been published by the UK’s national standards body, The British Standard Institution (BSI).

Covid-19 Inquiry must examine “broken” sick pay system, says TUC

The UK’s ongoing Covid-19 Inquiry must examine how inadequate sick pay "sabotaged” the country’s public health effort during the pandemic, according to the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

Amazon offers term-time only contracts to working parents and grandparents

Amazon has announced parents and grandparents working in its warehouses will have the choice to work in term-time only under a new policy.

HR’s pay equity efforts hampered by lack of data

New data has found 45% of senior HR leaders struggle to access the relevant data needed to correct pay equity gaps.