Pay parity soars in aerospace but plummets elsewhere

The gender pay gap in the aerospace sector has dropped by 26% over the past year, but has widened significantly in areas such as law and engineering, according to analysis conducted by the job site...

Payroll errors impact 25% of UK employees

A quarter (25%) of UK PAYE employees have received a paycheque from their employer that was incorrect, research from The Global Payroll Association revealed.

Green Party’s manifesto: What HR needs to know

The Green Party has released its manifesto, ahead of next month’s general election, focusing on environmental commitments, union support and wage changes.

Pay offers soar as workers prioritise job safety

Pay growth continued to rise while unemployment increased, the latest labour market data from the Office for National Statistics showed (11 June).

BT chief who cut 55,000 jobs awarded £2.6m bonus

Former BT boss Philip Jansen has been awarded a £3.7 million pay package for the year 2023-2024, during which he announced 55,000 job cuts by 2030.

Share scheme gender inequality doubles

The gender disparity in access to share schemes has doubled since last year, analysis by share scheme and equity management platform Vestd has found.

Dividends soar as wages stagnate

Global dividend payouts to shareholders have risen 14 times faster than worker pay since 2020, according to analysis from Oxfam.

MPs call for sick pay boost

Statutory sick pay (SSP) is failing to provide enough support for those who most need financial help when ill; it should be increased and made more widely available, MPs said last week (28 March).

HR faces real-terms pay cut due to inflation, analysis finds

HR professionals have faced a real-terms pay cut of as much as 8% since 2021 due to the cost of inflation, analysis by HR software provider Ciphr has revealed.

Hot topic: Should whistleblowers be paid?

Whistleblowing reports are on the rise, and employers are being called out, both for substandard disclosure channels and for not taking concerns seriously.

P&O Ferries paid some workers £4.87 an hour through agency loophole

P&O Ferries has paid some seafaring workers less than half minimum wage, according to a report from The Guardian.

“Bland” Spring Budget a flop for HR

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Spring Budget has gone down poorly with employment experts, who have criticised its narrow focus on personal tax cuts and “bland and beige” policies.