
Webinar: HR trends for 2022 and beyond

If there’s one thing for certain no one, nor all the people analytics in the world, can predict what the future holds. Especially in the event of global pandemic.

Last chance to register: how to avoid failing with employee experience

HR magazine's next Lunchtime Debate will look at how to effectively utilise, communicate and generate genuine employee satisfaction with your employee experience investments.

Why your employee experience programme could be failing your people

The rush on recruitment over the past few months has meant employee experience is more important than ever- having a positive workplace experience could prove to be the difference between switching...


Menopause – three actions HR can take today to support their workforce

Monday 18th October is World Menopause Day. But while this stage of life which impacts half the population is now being discussed, what practical steps can HR make to support their employees?

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Webinar: The great fight for talent

A huge wave of change has hit the job market. Flooded with candidates and new opportunities, businesses can’t hire or fill talent gaps fast enough, as reported by Emma Greedy.

Employee retention: How to earn employee trust and retain top talent

The pandemic has thrown the global talent market into crisis and many people are now considering their options when it comes to a new career path and what they want from their job.

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Have you mastered the art of social recognition?

During the past century, employee recognition consisted of managers giving their employees tactical forms of reward – like pins or watches – for simply sticking around.

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Hidden potential webinar gains third speaker

Rhea Chatterjee, head of people at challenger bank Monument, will be joining HR magazine's upcoming Lunchtime Debate on unlocking hidden potential in your workforce.

Jordan James Barry joins the next HR Lunchtime Debate

Jordan James Barry, chief people officer at Motor Insurers' Bureau, will join HR magazine's next Lunchtime Debate on unlocking hidden opportunities and potential in the workforce.

HR Lunchtime Debate on unlocking potential adds speaker

Ruth Cornish, co-founder and director of HRi and Amelore, will join HR magazine's next Lunchtime Debate on unlocking hidden opportunities and potential in the workforce.

Unlocking hidden opportunities and potential in your workforce

HR magazine is excited to announce its next HR Lunchtime Debate on unlocking hidden opportunities and potential in your workforce.

Is your organisation effectively addressing its employee needs?

Improving employee experience begins with understanding an employee’s point of view, but some organisations are currently failing to do that.

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