
EHRC clarifies rules on excluding transgender people when hiring

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has released new guidance for employers on how to avoid discrimination on the basis of sex in job adverts. It has also clarified when transgender people...

One in 10 LBQ+ women and trans people feel unsafe at work

More than two thirds (68%) of lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ+) women and trans people reported feeling safe at work, a report by LGBTQ+ magazine DIVA and consultancy Kantar revealed yesterday....

Gender-critical teacher loses unfair dismissal claim in pronouns tribunal

A teacher has lost his employment tribunal claim that he was unfairly dismissed from New College Swindon for refusing to call a student by their preferred pronouns.

Transgender employee wins historic gender reassignment discrimination case

A council employee who is transgender won £25,000 in a gender reassignment discrimination tribunal after her employer took two years to change her name on its systems.

Tax expert awarded £100k in trans tweets tribunal

Tax expert Maya Forstater, has been awarded £100,000 for discrimination and victimisation at tribunal after losing her job due to posting gender-critical beliefs on Twitter.

Currys paid gender reassignment benefit celebrated by inclusion experts

Currys’ offer of paid gender reassignment leave, announced alongside a broader set of diversity and inclusion policies, is a great move say inclusion and HR experts.


Innocent backlash: should companies take a stance on social issues?

Innocent drinks has deleted a Twitter thread about gender diversity advice from the trans charity Mermaids after it received backlash from commenters.

Number of trans-related employment tribunals increases

Employment disputes relating to alleged discrimination against transgender employees have more than doubled in the past year.

What not to ask a transgender person

This week is National Inclusion Week, which of course raises the question: how can we improve belonging in the workplace? While it is never appropriate to ask intrusive questions, it is something...

Is the workplace more trans-inclusive than society?

In the wider world the transgender community is not still experiencing enough support and inclusion and there is a new surge in rhetoric, harassment and discrimination, and a huge wedge between gender...

Top employers for LGBT+ inclusion in 2022 listed by Stonewall

Lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer (LGBT+) rights charity Stonewall has published its top 100 employers for LGBTQ+ inclusion in 2022.

How to best serve LGBT+ employees

Workplace discrimination against LGBT+ members is a significant problem, with many LGBT+ employees believing their company could do more.