Joanne Lockwood

The cost of closeting: the economic impact of suppressing queer and trans identities at work

Many of us in the LGBT+ community still face discrimination and lost opportunities at work, but for countless others, there's an added burden, an invisible weight, a stifling secret, they remain...


What not to ask a transgender person

This week is National Inclusion Week, which of course raises the question: how can we improve belonging in the workplace? While it is never appropriate to ask intrusive questions, it is something...


Is the workplace more trans-inclusive than society?

In the wider world the transgender community is not still experiencing enough support and inclusion and there is a new surge in rhetoric, harassment and discrimination, and a huge wedge between gender...


Easy steps for HR to create trans-inclusive workplaces

Let me be blunt - in 2021, it is still the case that trans and gender diverse individuals face a significant level of discrimination and marginalisation in both society and the workplace. If we spoke...


Joanne Lockwood: My gender journey

Transitioning in the workplace can bring many challenges for the individual
