Remote working

Employees forced back to work despite government guidance, says TUC

Nearly one in 10 UK employees have been forced back to the workplace despite government guidance to continue remote working until restrictions are reviewed on 21 June.

Case study: Hybrid working in a post-covid world

Following the outstanding success of homeworking during the COVID pandemic, social housing provider Stonewater has accelerated plans to shakeup working patterns and continue its shift to more digital...

Apple staff campaign against return to office

Employees at Apple have launched a campaign to contest CEO Tim Cook’s plans to have everyone return to the office at least three days a week.

The big office reopen is a neurodiversity dilemma

If some of your team seem less than enthusiastic about returning to the workplace, there may be a very good reason why - their neurodiversity.

How to ensure no-one’s on mute – managing bias on video calls

Despite lockdown easing and many planning a staggered or partial return to the office, homeworking and video calls will likely be a mainstay for many businesses. However, virtual meetings are not...

Latest HR Lunchtime Debate on the roadmap out of lockdown is now available on demand

The coronavirus pandemic has made employers rethink the flexibility they offer employees and how they can utilise it to bring people back to work.

Video killed the diversity and inclusion star

Despite all the rhetoric, the world seems to be getting worse when it comes to removing bias from our workplaces, levelling the playing field for all employees and improving diversity, equity and...

Pay cuts for permanent working from home are not the answer

Since the COVID-19 pandemic first began, employees have faced extreme disruption to their normal working lives, with many having to work from sofas, spare bedrooms, and some even having to manage home...

Remote work case study: LondonEnergy

Jacques Samama, head of people at LondonEnergy, shares how the pandemic has affected both office-based and operational staff.

Back to life, back to (a new) reality: the workplace after furlough

As workers return from furlough and businesses begin to awake from enforced hibernation, HR will need to overcome some tricky challenges.

Hours of the workday are being wasted on video calls

Employees have wasted an estimated 56 hours since lockdown in preparing for and getting back into work after video calls.

Remote working putting team cohesion at risk, study finds

The bond between team members, trust and information sharing have come out as the top three areas most at risk by remote working.