Organisational design

Interview: Mike Williams, CHRO for KellyDeli

It takes a passionate person to turn a low-impact people department into a well-respected and strategically successful operation. Luckily for the Asian-inspired restaurant business KellyDeli, global...

HR needs to defuse a time bomb of organisational trauma

When people ask what HR professionals do at work, have you ever described yourself as a bomb disposal expert? It may sound dramatic, but not only do we have to identify and defuse bombs, we are also...

Flexible organisational models key for future of work

Companies should embrace the idea of using more than one organisational model as workplaces evolve in the future.

The big refreeze: HR’s role in helping organisations adapt post-pandemic, part two

The social and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic has inspired widespread change for many business. Lynda Gratton studies how HR can help organisation consolidate new ways of working

The big refreeze: HR’s role in helping organisations adapt post-pandemic, part one

The social and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic has inspired widespread change for many business. Lynda Gratton studies how HR can help organisation consolidate new ways of working

Hybrid working to be used by biggest UK employers

Nearly all the 50 biggest UK employers have said they do not plan on bringing their staff back to the office full-time, according to new research by the BBC.

Is followership as important as leadership?

The concept of followership is often neglected in business, but is just as important as its other half leadership

The importance of a people-centred culture

Employee engagement

Design cultures that embed goals and values in such a way that employees are consistently customer focused

The importance of accountability

If you haven't mastered accountability within your team then you can't become a productive organisation

Three steps to HR shared service success

More companies are discovering the benefits of shared services in HR. How do you make sure you get it right?

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People Doc

Is the Ulrich model still valid?

Professor Ulrich's HR model still divides opinion 20 years after first making its mark

The business partner model: 10 years on - Lessons learned


Dave Ulrich's business partner model was launched to great acclaim in 1997 in the book, Human Resource Champions. Here, Ulrich and Wayne Brockbank, fellow Ross School of Business professor at the...