Hybrid work

Forced return to work carries legal risks

Leaders who are considering mandating a full-time return to the office, inspired by Dell's move in the US, need to carefully navigate the legal risks.

Law firm cracks down on home workers

Slaughter and May, a leading City law firm, set out stricter plans to monitor office attendance in an email to employees.

Is three the magic number for in-office working?

Google, Meta, HSBC and Amazon have all made headlines over the summer for mandating workers return to the office for at least three days a week, but what evidence is there to support three days as the...

HSBC downsizes London HQ – but the office isn’t dead yet

HSBC has decided to leave its headquarters in Canary Wharf for a smaller office in central London, sparking a discussion on the future role of in-person working.


Hybrid working can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%

New research has found hybrid working can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80% in cities across the UK.

It’s not where you work that matters now, but how

Where we work may now be less of an issue than it was – but it’s still contentious. So what five areas do we need to urgently address to make this new world of work really deliver?

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International study on hybrid working seeks HR input

A new three-year investigation into the impact of hybrid working has been launched by employee experience analyst Leesman.

Keep HR on brand by changing with the times: Carol-Ann White, Landor & Fitch

Heading up a small but powerful people team, Landor & Fitch's HR director reveals to Jo Gallacher the secrets of her success, most recently in scoring twice at the HR Excellence Awards.

High earners and Londoners most likely to work from home

The number of Londoners working fully or partially from home far exceeds the national average, according to official figures.

Homeworking hits post-pandemic plateau

People who mainly work from home in the UK plateaued at around one in five people in the three months July-September 2022, according to data from CIPD economists Jonathan Boys and James Cockett.

How can managers beat productivity paranoia?

Billionaire entrepreneur James Dyson made headlines this week as he slammed the right to work from home as 'economically illiterate' - but he's not alone in his productivity paranoia as many managers...

Employers warned to mind the gender gap in hybrid work

Hybrid work has had a positive impact on the workforce, yet its sustainability will be down to employers’ awareness of the risks it brings.