HR Most Influential 2021: who were out top thinkers and practitioners?
October saw the return of HR magazine's HR Most Influential (HRMI) rankings, which were this year held at St Paul's Cathedral.
The list recognises the HR practitioners and thinkers who go above and beyond the day job to advance the HR profession and share best practice with the wider HR community.
This year HR magazine decided to cast the net wider and ask a wider range of individuals from across the public, private and third sectors to nominate their top HR practitioners and thinkers.
HR at high risk of change fatigue
Four in five people reported feeling exhausted by the ongoing uncertainty at work and in society in September this year, and HR is among the most at risk.
New data from training app provider Untapped AI found the so-called ‘change fatigue’ phenomenon creating shift in attitudes post-pandemic.
More workers taking two full-time jobs in secret
Work from home rules have prompted a small but growing number of workers to take on two full-time roles.
Rather than taking on a ‘side hustle,’ this practice sees workers work two jobs to earn dual salaries, without informing their employers.
According to a survey by lighting company E-conolight, 45% of US workers had at some point done work for another company while on the clock.
The best bits of HR magazine from October 2021:
Cancel culture is putting dialogue in crisis