How can HR prevent long-term sickness at work?

John Deanfield, the government's champion for personalised prevention, told The Guardian on Tuesday (23 July) that a preventative system must be put in place to quell the number of economically...

Labour’s Back to Work plan must account for employers, disability charity says

The Business Disability Forum has urged the government to consult with employers to get the details of its Back to Work plan right. The plan has been welcomed by campaign groups for its positive...

Wimbledon's tweaked dress code is a lesson for HR leaders

When considering workplace dress codes, let's not prioritise protocol above practicality.

How to better support women at work

Employers can propel efforts to close the UK’s gender health gap. But they must act now.

HR tops list of stress-smoker professions

HR professionals are the most likely of all working smokers to smoke because they are stressed, rather than addiction or any other reason, according to new research.

How to positively impact your workforce’s health

According to research from the University of Warwick, being happy makes employees more productive at work. Whichever comes first, health or happiness, the link to organisational productivity and...

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“Sick-note culture” is a misdiagnosis of the UK’s ill-health workforce crisis

Earlier this month, Rishi Sunak claimed that the UK is in the grips of a “sick-note culture,” resulting in a significant rise in people being unnecessarily signed off work.

Is Sunak right about "sick-note culture"?

UK prime minister Rishi Sunak announced plans to reform welfare to tackle “sick-note culture” last Friday (19 April), if the Tories win the upcoming general election.

Pulse check: How SSE is powering up health and wellbeing

Energy company SSE is using free health checkups to spark change in employee wellbeing through a partnership with the British Heart Foundation. Millicent Machell reports.

How HR can help inform guidance to support employees who have cancer

When sharing her cancer diagnosis, the Princess of Wales highlighted the value of work for her wellbeing. Employers need to better prepare for and manage employees working with cancer.

MPs call for sick pay boost

Statutory sick pay (SSP) is failing to provide enough support for those who most need financial help when ill; it should be increased and made more widely available, MPs said last week (28 March).

How to jointly tackle employee mental and musculoskeletal health

Supporting the mental and musculoskeletal (MSK) health of their workforce should be a top priority for all employers. Together, these conditions are the leading causes of workplace absence, and...