Spring Statement unveiled
Former chancellor Philip Hammond’s Spring Statement included lifting visa caps for PhD and research roles, improved access to funding for apprenticeships, and a review of the minimum wage.
However, Hammond admitted that Brexit had put the government under a “cloud of uncertainty”. He warned that the UK's continued prosperity was dependent on making an "orderly exit" from the EU and told MPs that leaving without a deal would mean significant disruption for businesses.
MPs promised vote on post-Brexit workers' rights changes
Theresa May announced that parliament would be given a say after Brexit on adopting future EU rules on workers’ rights. May added that she would also extend rights for parents and carers and guarantee two months of paid leave for parents with children under eight.
The TUC dismissed the proposals as “flimsy”. The CIPD's head of public policy, Ben Willmott added that it is vital that existing protections for workers are not watered down after Britain leaves the EU and said they would work with the government on policy.
The best bits of HR magazine in March...
Executive education: Are MBAs fit for purpose?
The business world has changed massively in the past two decades, but MBAs have not always kept pace
Karen Beaven offered fellow HR professionals advice on how to deal with the common plight of imposter syndrome
Case study: Going greener at UK Power Networks
UK Power Networks put its energy into aligning external environmental credentials and fuelling employee engagement
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