Disengagement in the UK workplace has staggeringly increased. Studies show that around 90% of employees feel unmotivated at work.
Heroic leadership still holds us in its – mostly hairy and ever-so-masculine – vice-like grip, and attempts to encourage more reflective and reflexive practices frequently run up against the need to...
Earlier this month, Rishi Sunak claimed that the UK is in the grips of a “sick-note culture,” resulting in a significant rise in people being unnecessarily signed off work.
The inability of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to meet massive increases in demand for mental health support – counselling in particular – without going fully digital or EAP-by-app, is a real...
My charity has collaborated with HR directors, academics and others to create the Workplace Pledge for suicide prevention in the workplace.
In this low productivity era, how we can help people fall back in love with their work?
How people come to find jobs has fundamentally changed. It has become much more digitalised, increasing accessibility and creating more opportunities. But this has come at a cost. It’s made it easier...
Harnessing the art of storytelling can be a transformative force that propels the company and its people towards success.
New proposals from the Financial Conduct Authority to broaden the regulatory framework around financial guidance are likely to make it easier for organisations to engage employees with wellbeing...
UK employers face major measures designed to stem a post-Covid-19-pandemic spike in immigration. Here is a whistlestop summary of major changes that HR teams should know about, and the ways to...
HR needs to offer young workers the right support, throughout their employee lifecycle.
There is growing evidence that HR professionals are being blown off course through heavy concentration on a wide range of issues that do not add real value to organisations and stakeholders.