HR struggling to get grip on data amid workforce challenges

UK organisations are struggling to get a grip on people data despite significant workforce challenges, the CIPD has warned.

Outcry after British Airways tightens grip on social media

British Airways (BA) has issued a new social media policy that staff have claimed will see them punished for sharing their work.

How to get shadow payroll right 

The global mobility landscape has changed dramatically over the last four years. Following a period where technology-enabled remote working became the norm, everything looks very different for global...

Government to boost careers advice in schools

The government has announced a new careers programme for primary schools in disadvantaged areas that seeks to strengthen the link between employers and future candidates.

Renaming Christmas parties could create more division than inclusion

Civil servants in the UK have been urged to rename Christmas parties 'festive celebrations' so as not to exclude employees of different faiths at end of year gatherings.

How to build a business case for HR tech

The workplace as we know it is evolving - and fast. Investing in your people is vital, but how do you get effective business buy-in for HR technology investment?

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Best of HR books: October 2022

We delve into the new releases to find out what HR has been reading this month.

Five lessons from Unleash World 2022

With industry experts discussing topics ranging from data and AI to employee experience and the future of work, the Unleash World 2022 HR conference provided deep insight into the HR profession.

Businesses warned employees lack skills to handle AI

Businesses have major skills gaps to fill before they can implement artificial intelligence (AI) into their workplaces.

Cryptocurrency fraud sparks concerns over adoption of new tech

A headline-making workplace cryptocurrency fraud has reignited debate on how far employer policies should change to guard against the impact of evolving technologies at work.


HR needs to focus on people intelligence – here's why

In a world order that seems to resist simplification with a myriad of huge, complex and interconnected challenges, declaring one most important issue to focus on may seem like something more elusive...

How HR can prioritise procedure using automation and digital processes

The role of HR and recruitment professionals has seen rapid change in recent times, especially over the last two years. The industry has seen a shift from largely in-person experiences to embracing an...

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