Financial stability led older workers to leave during pandemic

The majority of workers over 50 who left employment during the second wave of the pandemic were able to do so because of a comfortable financial situation, according to data from the Office for...

Four-day week pilot: success for majority at mid-way point

Businesses halfway through the UK’s first large-scale four-day week trial have reported improved productivity and are likely to continue it once the trial is over.

Improving the workplace through critical thinking

A lot of the problems in business — and in human resources — can be traced back to a single root: bad thinking. Over the course of my career as a consultant, I’ve seen business leaders make abysmal...

Health and safety in extreme weather: the problem hots up

Covid and high energy prices could create more issues in extreme cold, than extreme heat.

Outsourcing HR functions eases burden on overworked teams

Outsourcing HR functions is one way for businesses to manage high intensity workloads, as property developer St. Modwen found.

How HR can retain influence post-pandemic

2022 HR Most Influential survey participants offer their tips for sustaining a valuable impact in leadership

Tackling the human cost of the ‘dark matter of work’

Consisting of ‘dark energy’ and ‘dark matter’, 95% of the universe is essentially invisible. The same can be said about much of the work we do today, if we consider daily actions that aren’t captured,...

Office workers discouraged from taking leave

Over half of employees (60%) have said their employer actively discourages them from taking time off, according to new research.

Millions more women in work than a decade ago

There are two million more women in employment in the UK than there were in 2010, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Four-day work week doesn't have to be a headache

Over three thousand workers, 60 companies and seven months - I don’t think anyone would have predicted that the UK would not just witness, but positively embrace the biggest trial of the four-day...

Men working more overtime than women

More than a quarter (28%) of men work overtime everyday compared to 13% of women, according to research from workspace provider Office Freedom.

Work/life balance is actually about work and love

The balance between work and life has become a tug-of-war that none of us can win. The two are intertwined like a bowl of spaghetti and there will always be a carry-over of the effects of stress and...