Building Lego's HR structure, brick by brick

Having a professional excuse to play with bricks every day might be the dream for many, but HR at Lego is far from child’s play, finds Beau Jackson.

Agile: how HR is changing shape

As HR sheds ways of working from the past, agile HR is emerging as a new paradigm. But what does it really mean? And what does the profession need to make a change?

Why we need a new model for HR: part 2, outlining HR 3.0

In the final part of the first instalment of this series, I left readers to ponder three things, one of which being a departure from three verticals in the existing dominant business partner model.

Why we need a new model for HR: part two

In the final part of the first instalment of this serialisation, I left readers to ponder three things, one of which being a departure from three verticals in the existing dominant business partner...


Outstanding balance: why HR must learn to be sure-footed on the change curve (part two)

Imposing big changes on workers will naturally be worrying for them, but with the right preparation, employees can be reassured and concerns overcome.

New year's resolutions for HR in 2023

What a year it has been. It’s incredible to think that January last year we were breathing a small sigh of relief that the Covid Omicron variant had probably peaked in the UK, and after a massive push...

Catch up: What will the role of an HR professional look like in 2030?

In the latest HR Lunchtime Debate in partnership with Sage, Perry Timms, Kathryn Herrington, Mark Duggan and Jo Gallacher discussed the future of the HR profession.

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It's time for HR to challenge the status quo

Over a 24 months like no other, HR practitioners have become a sought-after resource for panicked business leaders on the hunt for clarity and alignment. And partly as a result of this, HR has evolved...

CEO Q&A: "A leader has to be completely dispensable"

Steven Mendel, CEO and founder of pet insurance firm Bought By Many, speaks to HR magazine about the importance of delegation, and how invaluable HR is to leadership.

Why we need to stop calling it HR

In the last year we have realised the need for resilience alongside performance, so why is our perceived value still based on how hard we are working?

Hot topic: The politics of furlough, part two

Heralded as a safety net by many, the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has supported the livelihoods of 9.6 million people and 1.2 million businesses to date.

HR people grooves: a special thank you

Every Thursday at 8pm during lockdown, the nation came together to clap for our glorious NHS and keyworkers on the frontline who are working around the clock to keep us safe, well and fed. In these...
