Pizzas, HiPPOs and social loafing: fostering innovation and empowering teams

In the realm of team dynamics, the concept of the ‘two-pizza team’ has gained significant attention since it was coined by Jeff Bezos in the early days of Amazon.

HR can help create ethical and equitable gig work

It’s very easy to pick holes in the gig economy. Many gig workers experience unstable work, long hours, below-average pay and have little to no legal protection.

Bank holidays in May intensified workload for 67% of employees

Four-day weeks taken for the three bank holidays in May increased 67% of employees' workloads despite them benefitting from the extra time off, according to a survey from Liverpool Business School.

Lessons from an employee ownership trust: a HR case study

Audio-visual company Mediascape celebrated five years this May as an employee ownership trust (EOT) and reflected on the benefits it has to employee engagement, recruitment and retention.

Why we need a new model for HR: part 2, outlining HR 3.0

In the final part of the first instalment of this series, I left readers to ponder three things, one of which being a departure from three verticals in the existing dominant business partner model.

Why we need a new model for HR: part two

In the final part of the first instalment of this serialisation, I left readers to ponder three things, one of which being a departure from three verticals in the existing dominant business partner...


Why ‘agility bubbles’ will be the new management trend for 2023

Inviting a team of employees into a protected space, where they are given permission to do things differently than the rest of the organisation, is what we refer to as an ‘agility bubble’.

Four-day week trial hailed a success for businesses and workers

Nearly all of the companies that took part in a trial of the four-day working week have decided to keep the policy after finding a strong increase in wellbeing at no cost to productivity.

Outstanding balance: why HR must learn to be sure-footed on the change curve (part two)

Imposing big changes on workers will naturally be worrying for them, but with the right preparation, employees can be reassured and concerns overcome.

Workplace transformations are great opportunities but not without risk

New work models are reshaping how organisations approach risk. Done well, sustainable competitive advantage can be achieved.

Improving the workplace through critical thinking

A lot of the problems in business — and in human resources — can be traced back to a single root: bad thinking. Over the course of my career as a consultant, I’ve seen business leaders make abysmal...

Achieving the sweet spot – the balance between people needs and business needs

Some of you reading this will no doubt have been discussing hybrid working with your clients or colleagues. If you have, then maybe you’ve experienced some extremes in thinking, with different groups...