Adaptability and empathy as strategy – crafting future leaders 

The boardroom of the future is one where leaders' decisions aren't just driven by numbers, but are made with a deep understanding of human emotions, human adaptability and leveraging how we respond to...

Is January the best time to recruit?

January is that sweet spot where the contemplative reflections of extraordinary talent are converted into new year’s resolutions, while corporate recruiting teams, armed with refreshed budgets, look...

Two tricks to ensure middle managers are empowered, not endangered

Middle managers are on the precipice of peril. Glassdoor's Employee Confidence Index shows a crisis in confidence among mid-level managers – the greatest decline in confidence among all employees this...

Quarter of employees do not trust their CEO

Over a quarter (26%) of employees do not trust their CEO to be honest and transparent, according to HR software company Personio.

Why happy teams start with happy managers

How do you deliver happy managers? By putting in place the right technological support to let them thrive .

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Senior leaders criticised over lack of empathy

Just 51% of UK employees think their senior leadership team is empathetic, according to software company O.C. Tanner.

Second time lucky for David Cameron? Is it wise to bring back ex-employees?

David Cameron is back in the corridors of power as Rishi Sunak announced last month (November) he had the job of foreign secretary.

Does the future depend on re-learning how to lead?

When only 10% of UK employees thrive in the workplace, does this mean leaders are failing in their duty to lead? Or is it time to re-evaluate what leadership is all about?

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Why clever leaders must master the art of self-discovery

In the ever-evolving business landscape, the skills, mindset and behaviours that have led to past success - particularly for highly skilled individuals - are no longer sufficient for effective...


What can managers learn from the downfall of WeWork?

WeWork became the poster child for a shared office industry riding two waves: excess capital and surging demand. The pandemic brought further disruption to the office model, with significantly more...

How reverse mentoring can help you understand and overcome team pressures

Reverse mentoring is an innovative approach that turns the traditional mentoring paradigm on its head.


Five considerations when debating an interim or full-time executive hire

If the past couple of years have taught us anything, then surely it’s to prepare for the unexpected.