Collaboration personalities: Helping introverts collaborate

There is increasing awareness that personality type can affect how people collaborate at work

Creative collaboration: What business can learn from artists

Artists have an interesting angle on navigating the human experience. What can we learn from them?

The five key collaboration challenges

We outline the five key challenges of collaboration for businesses in today's world of work, and how best to overcome them

The case for curiosity

 “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” Albert Einstein

The prevalence of narcissist CEOs

Narcissistic CEOs harm their teams by creating environments where leadership team members fail to co-operate

Names matter, so is 'HR' the right one?

Even ‘you’re next to the chartered accountant’ sounds exciting compared with ‘you’re next to someone in HR’

The four types of female leadership

Ana Marinovic and Steve Tappin explain the four different types of female leadership they've come across

What to do when your boss is a psychopath

Psychopathic bosses are alarmingly common, but luckily there are ways of dealing with them

Businesses should work to develop a 'global mindset'

A global mindset involves being open to diversity and adjusting to different environments

Scenario planning: The future of workplace technology

Rob Gray presents three possible future scenarios for work in an increasingly tech-dominated world

Lynda Gratton: The HR implications of longevity

The three-stage life of full-time education, full-time work, and full-time retirement will rapidly be replaced

Neuroscience and leadership coaching

How our growing understanding of neuroscience can help us direct leadership coaching more effectively