Test, track and trace in the workplace

We’ve had plenty of mantras during coronavirus. First it was ‘stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives.’ Then England moved to ‘stay alert, control the virus, save lives.’ The next evolution, as...

UK tech workers believe location should be unrelated to pay

Almost half (49%) of UK workers at tech SMEs said they believe pay and benefits should be based on ability rather than location, and more would like further remote opportunities according to a poll...

How HR can support employees diagnosed with cancer

HR must make sure it has clear sickness absence policies in place to help employees diagnosed with cancer.

UK lags behind international AI skills development

?The UK is facing an AI skills gap that could leave companies struggling to compete with rivals from across the world, a new Microsoft report has revealed.

Championing the HR leader

Traditionally, the role of the HR leader was to reactively manage employees and solve any problems they had while addressing the needs of the employer. However, the role of HR teams has evolved and...

Green conscience feeds employee flexible work wishes

Flexible working is the most important work benefit employees look for when considering taking a new role.

What are your employment rights in quarantine if you can’t work from home?

On 25 July 2020, the UK government announced the removal of Spain from its travel corridor exemption list, giving most holiday-makers just hours to try to get an immediate flight home or otherwise...

New contact tracing bluetooth technology helps businesses avoid interruption due to COVID-19 without privacy issues

Utilising Bluetooth tracing technology, Contact Harald is giving businesses a new way to keep their employees and customers protected with one simple proximity tracking card.

HR warned to prepare for second wave of coronavirus with workplace testing

HR is being asked to create a response plan and testing protocol to prepare for a potential second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

Lack of motivation in employees down to pandemic goal setting

Almost half (45%) of UK businesses have reported feeling confused about what goals to prioritise during the pandemic, impacting motivation levels and teamwork.

Antibody testing could be needed to make employees safe at work

?Employers are considering introducing antibody testing in the workplace to ensure employees feel safe returning to work.

COVID-19’s impact on graduate hiring strategy

June would typically have be when graduate recruitment season gets into full swing. This season, however, finds recruiters scrambling to react to COVID-19. With students sent home early and no end in...