New safeguarding guidance launched by standards body

The British Standards Institution (BSI) has released a new standard to help employers safeguard employees.

Can you take time off work for hay fever?

Almost half (45%) of employees in the UK have hay fever, a survey by printing company Instantprint found. Of the employees surveyed, three quarters (73%) of respondents believed employees should not...

Why wellbeing strategy must account for breakup and divorce

HR can improve productivity by tailoring their organisation’s benefits and wellbeing strategy towards supporting employees going through breakup and divorce.

Addiction recovery in UK workplaces: How to shift the narrative

Are UK employers ready to adopt a US-style approach to supporting people in addiction and recovery?

A million of UK’s lowest earners miss out on sick pay

A million (1.15 million) workers – 3.5% of the UK workforce – are not eligible for statutory sick pay (SSP) as they do not meet the earnings threshold of £123 per week, a report from think tank The...

Quarter of employees experience suicidal and self harming thoughts

A quarter (25%) of employees had thoughts of suicide or self harm in the last two weeks, a survey by wellbeing technology provider, Wysa, revealed today. The proportion expanded to one in three (36%)...

How can HR support Mental Health First Aiders?

Mental health first aiders are having life-changing and lifesaving conversations every day. But they need comprehensive support to keep doing so.

Bereavement and baby loss: How HR can support

Less than half (44%) of people who experienced pregnancy or baby loss felt confident talking to a work colleague about their loss, research by Sands, a charity that supports people experiencing...

Workplaces unprepared for cardiac arrest, study shows

Over four in 10 (44%) workplaces have a defibrillator installed, research by healthcare providers Direct365 found, but more than half (53%) of employees surveyed said they had never received training...

How HR can prevent conflict at work

People who experience conflict in the workplace have lower job satisfaction and are more likely to experience poorer mental and physical health, according to a study from the CIPD.

How HR can tackle management overwhelm

Managing people is hard, and our new YouGov survey has revealed that it’s getting harder. A shocking 73% of managers are not currently getting the support they need.