Firms braced to restart in three weeks but lack safety guidance

Most UK firms are ready to restart operations within three weeks but are currently without government guidance on how to do so safely.

Will zero-hours contracts become the norm?

Employers across the economy are contending with workforce and operational challenges at a scale unknown in our lifetime.

Back to basics...bereavement support

?Bereavement relates to our experience of losing someone (or something) important to us. It is characterised by grief, which is the process and the range of emotions we go through as we gradually...

Is HS2 on the right track for the UK job market?

Our cover story this month looks at how HS2 is shaping the job market

One in five Brits quit their job due to toxic culture

One in five (21%) Brits quit their job due to toxic workplace culture, according to Breathe’s Culture Economy 2020 report.

Legal-ease: Managing your workforce and organisational demand during COVID-19

COVID- 19 is presenting a global challenge on a scale that has not been seen in a generation. The effect on business has already been seismic.

How HR can support an organisation when its leader is absent

Following news that prime minister Boris Johnson was rushed into intensive care last week, we look at how organisations cope when their leader is absent

What lessons leaders and HR can learn observing a toxic work environment

A beleaguered home secretary, a press briefing war, explosive resignations, grievance pay-outs and a lawsuit – accusations of a toxic culture in government are dominating headlines.

HR must build psychological safety so employees feel safe speaking up

As an HR professional, you have no doubt noticed that the concept of psychological safety has hit the mainstream.

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme furlough rules need clarification

On 26 March the UK government published its official guidance for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, but it has caused some confusion for employers

Employers must adapt to seismic shifts in the pensions landscape

It is a time of major change in the retirement world as the risk and responsibility of providing pensions shifts from government and corporations to the increasingly anxious consumer

Older workers seen as costly and unproductive in the workplace

Older workers are often perceived as being less able to work and more expensive than younger workers, according to a Centre for Ageing Better report