Psychometric data is being wasted

Psychometric data shouldn’t be consigned to HR files after recruitment, it’s a valuable source of insight that should be regularly revisited to build stronger teams, develop talent, and pinpoint...

"Organisations need to democratise their opportunities"

As Mercer’s Global Talent Trends research indicates, talent drain remains at an acute level right now, with 37% of UK employees stating that they plan to leave their organisation in the next 12...

Why digital accessibility is key to recruiting a neurodivergent workforce

A new and important government-backed report has outlined a raft of recommendations that are designed to support autistic people getting into, and staying in, employment.

Actions employers can take to close the green skills gap

Becky Schnauffer was right in her reflections on COP28: HR professionals will play a pivotal role in cultivating green skills within their organisation. And this is a responsibility shared by...

How to drive successful change

Anyone trying to keep up a New Year’s resolution knows changing things isn’t easy. The same applies in business, but the rewards are well worth the huge effort needed to make change happen

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Why HR is key to managing security risks from temporary workers

Organisations have a myriad of different workers within their ecosystem: permanent staff but also temporary workers like freelancers and contractors. In fact, nearly half of businesses today are...

How can quiet hiring help to tackle skills shortages?

Quiet hiring, also known as silent or stealth recruitment, is a growing trend that’s set to continue into 2024, in which organisations focus on acquiring new skills without increasing employee...

Most businesses are suffering from Long Covid

Organisations are trying to put Covid-19 in the rear-view mirror, but the aftereffects of such a turbulent business period – lack of clarity, fatigue over change, anxiety about redundancy – are still...

Green jobs of the future: meeting the demand-supply gap 

New data from the ONS reveals that while green jobs in the UK slipped by 3.5% between 2018-2020, around a quarter of working adults describe part of their role as a 'green job'.  

HR Focus 2 'The Talent Mismatch' podcast now live

The second episode of HR magazine's HR Focus podcast has gone live.

Navigating talent management without clear strategies can be an opportunity

The modern workforce is vastly different from a decade ago. The influx of Millennials and Generation Z in the workplace has brought about a shift in expectations and values.

Strikes down but worker shortages remain, according to ONS

The number of firms with concerns for their business is at its lowest level since February 2022, according to the Office for National Statistics' latest 'Business insights and impact on the UK...