A postcard from... Serbia

Our 'postcard from' series keeps you updated on key HR areas in different countries

HRDs want to be CEO, HR magazine research finds

Many HR professionals are held back by board perceptions of HR and lack of non-HR experience

HR future leader of the month: Charlotte Cowan

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the function about what they think will shape it


Goal setting: It takes two to manage your mindset

The step that can make all the difference in achieving our goals is to find support

How to succeed in HR: HRDs' top tips

?Three HR professionals share their top career tips

HRD's pocket guide to... market research

January's pocket guide outlines what you should know when it comes to market research

HR future leader of the month: Lisa Collett

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the function about what they think will shape it

Take our survey: Why aren't you CEO yet?

What holds HR professionals back from striving for the top spot? We find out

Are you finding time for value-add HR?

65% of HR professionals at mid-tier firms are struggling to spend any time working on value-add initiatives

80% of employees have experienced bad management

Four-fifths (80%) of employees have experienced poor management or a poor manager at least once in their career

Senior directors feel twice as anxious at work

?Senior directors feel workplace anxiety twice as much as the average UK worker, according to research by RADA in Business

A postcard from... Spain

Our 'postcard from' series keeps you updated on key HR areas in different countries