Employment tribunal judgments online: What this means in practice

An online employment tribunal judgments database is now live which has important consequences for employers and employees

Greater protection for Uber drivers not all it seems

Uber announced new insurance to protect drivers, but does it go far enough to protect Uber in court?

Legal lowdown: The pitfalls of employee relocation

With Brexit talk particularly in banking, of moving staff, employers need to realise that relocating employees is not straightforward legally

Helping someone prepare to be a witness in an employment case

The key things you need to know to help your company’s witnesses prepare for the hearing

Acas releases gig economy guidance

It comes as legal cases over the status of workers in the gig economy continue to make headlines

Tribunal fee impact up for debate

Tribunal cases have dropped significantly. Have claims with no merit been weeded out, or access to justice denied?

Without prejudice vs. protected conversations: Getting it right

Employers often confuse 'without prejudice' and 'protected conversations'. Here's how to get the distinction right

Legal lowdown: Dress code discrimination

?Government committees have called for action on discriminatory dress codes. So what are the key legal points to remember?

Tackling insecure work: Awareness and enforcement key

Employment rights law may always be complex, but it must be made easier to understand, according to an expert panel

Gig economy latest: City Sprint and beyond

Do we need new legislation to deal with the complexities of the gig economy, in light of recent court cases?

Midlands worst for sexual discrimination cases

The region has the highest number of sexual discrimination tribunal cases in England, Scotland and Wales

Recommendations to The Future of Work inquiry: What needs to change

The government has launched an inquiry into the changing nature of work. So what needs to change?