
Women drive sharp rise in temporary work

The number of temporary workers has shot up in the past two years as workers seek flexible working arrangements.

Companies called to report flexible and hybrid working policies

Non-for-profit organisation the Work Foundation at Lancaster University has called on government to introduce mandatory flexible and hybrid working reporting.

Menopause – three actions HR can take today to support their workforce

Monday 18th October is World Menopause Day. But while this stage of life which impacts half the population is now being discussed, what practical steps can HR make to support their employees?

Gender pay gap figures skewed by furlough

Yesterday (5 October) was the deadline for UK businesses to submit 2021's gender pay gap reporting, however furlough is expected to have skewed this year's figures.

Removing the 'opt-in' process will close leadership gender gap

Employers can eliminate their gender gaps by assuming everyone is interested in a leadership position, rather than asking them to apply if interested.

Q&A: Helping women into non-executive directorships

Helene Usherwood, partner at recruitment firm Anderson Quigley, answers questions on how recruiters can help women break into the non-executive world.

Men’s role in interrupting sexism at work

Many of us have experienced or witnessed sexism in the workplace, and may have experienced the deflecting, the eye rolls, the silence in response. Research shows men calling out sexist behaviour may...

The biggest myth around meritocracy? That it exists

It's an absolute and utter con-trick that meritocracy has ever existed anytime or anywhere in history, especially if we want to go by its meaning that it's a society governed by people selected...

A man’s view on stopping misogyny at work

Misogyny is a scary word for many men. It is often described as woman-hating but the dictionary describes it as a contempt for or an ingrained prejudice against women. If it’s only associated with the...

Targets not enough to help women into senior leadership roles

There are still too few women in senior leadership positions to drive long-term change, despite voluntary targets having boosted gender diversity on UK boards.

UK company rolls out period-friendly HR policies

As research finds women would be more likely to want to work for a company that has a period-friendly policy in place, Intimina UK aims to empower employees throughout their menstrual cycle

Women lose state pension legal battle

Women who were born in the 1950s will not be compensated for the money they missed out on when the state pension age was raised from 60 to 65