
Improving the workplace through critical thinking

A lot of the problems in business — and in human resources — can be traced back to a single root: bad thinking. Over the course of my career as a consultant, I’ve seen business leaders make abysmal...

Honesty is the best policy: Caroline Cording, Mamas & Papas

Having worked at BHS, Habitat and now Mamas & Papas, Caroline Cording is no stranger to uncertainty. Beau Jackson finds out the high-street veteran’s secret to building people resilience

Tackling labour market friction after Covid-19: a time for transformational thinking 

The UK government signalled its intention to intensify benefit sanctions with the recently announced ‘Way to Work’ scheme, which aims to move half a million people into jobs by the end of June 2022. 

Business ranked more trustworthy than government

Business has outstripped NGOs, government and the media as the only trusted institution on the annual Edelman Trust Barometer.

Businesses look to tech for post-COVID transformation

Companies are investing in digital technology and automation in order to adapt to significant workplace changes brought on by the pandemic.

Power dynamics: Managing change in an organisation

Complicated human power relationships can enable or restrict changes in organisational practice