Talent management

"Organisations need to democratise their opportunities"

As Mercer’s Global Talent Trends research indicates, talent drain remains at an acute level right now, with 37% of UK employees stating that they plan to leave their organisation in the next 12...

HR Focus podcast: 'How to introduce AI to talent management' now live

The third episode of HR magazine's HR Focus podcast is now live.

HR Focus (3): How to introduce AI to talent management

In episode 3 of the HR Focus podcast, we examine the practical reality of introducing AI to talent management.


Four insights into the skills-based future of talent management

As employers navigate a changing world of work, there has been an increasing focus on agility and creating an adaptable workforce. Putting skills rather than jobs at the centre of the labour market is...

How flexible working transformed a care provider's retention strategy

While care homes struggle with an ongoing labour shortage, HR magazine reporter Millicent Machell found out how one care provider used flexible working to turn the tables on recruitment and retention.

Navigating talent management without clear strategies can be an opportunity

The modern workforce is vastly different from a decade ago. The influx of Millennials and Generation Z in the workplace has brought about a shift in expectations and values.

Transforming your talent by turning management into opportunity

In this challenging economic climate, line management as we once knew it is finished. So it’s time to fundamentally reconsider everyone’s expectations of work and the workplace of the future.

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Five lessons on building an internal talent pipeline

The UK’s labour shortage is a riddle that employers have been trying to solve since before the pandemic. But was the answer right in front of them all along?

UBS-Credit Suisse: Selecting the right executive team after an acquisition

UBS’s acquisition of Credit Suisse has made headlines in the past few weeks.

Elon Musk’s new Tesla hiring policy ‘disrespectful to HR’

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has sent an email to staff saying he must personally approve all new hires, but HR and recruitment professionals have said this will waste time and risks biased hiring.

Don’t believe the CV is dead

The CV always was, and still is, the key to unlocking the interview gates. It’s not that digital technology has passed executive search by, in fact, it has helped enormously, but nothing quite...

Employers face a growing rift in government on hiring talent from abroad

In her closing speech to the 2022 Conservative party conference in Birmingham, prime minister Liz Truss hit out at “the enemies of enterprise” while insisting she was aligned with her chancellor in...